Belated, illustrated and updated
They say time goes faster as you get older... oops! Three months since the last blog post. Well, I'll bring you up to date with some pictures...

Doggie portrait commission No 1... butter wouldn't melt?!

Doggie portrait commission No 2

An evening with The London Philharmonic Orchestra - sublime!

Looking fabulous with in its Christmas glad rags...

... waiting for a train home...


Silvery wildlife

Picking out new brushes at Oriental Arts in Brighton

Receiving some advice on how to use Chinese brushes... basically, go and watch YouTube instructional videos

My favourite star ring :)

Spreading a little Christmas magic

Last Christmas commission in under the wire

Plotting and planning pojects

A Christmas tree of pointe shoes in the foyer

Drawing workshop

Drawing workshops

Drawing workshop

Remembering a shining star of creative genius

Blue skies and something here is still alive!

With my lovely Caran D'ache pencils

Sneak peek of said commission...

The rock legend I am doing the commission for

Not even sure what bridge this is... somewhere near Vauxhall

Hastings train station



Juicing my way to awesomeness

In a motivational mug from my brother