Art, stories, and a bit of magic
I'm thrilled to announce that my first illustrated book project, The Music Thief, has just been published!
A paper bag of magic
Pink blossom swirled around me in the April wind as I waited for a bus in London. I love taking the bus in London, especially when I don’t have anywhere in particular to go. I sit on the upstairs deck, and watch as the city rolls past the window.
A secret concert, and the courage to create
The windscreen wipers battled against the July rain as we wound our way down a narrow country lane. We were following the tail-lights of a friend’s yellow truck, which was leading us to a mystery destination.
Slaying The Dragons Of Perfection
…it wasn’t until July’s ‘Buck Moon’, a massive, shining orb, rose up into the drifting clouds, that it seemed a magical spell was cast over the darkening countryside.
Hunting winter magic
A very optimistic tree lives outside my studio window. Every winter, at about this time of year, I'll look up one day and find that it has suddenly burst into blossom, like a shower of giggling popcorn rolling about in the gusts of wind and rain.