Maverick in heels

I imagine most people might think of a street artist as some young thug in a hoodie with a spray-can.

But let me introduce you to my friend Sarah Gillings.

When this tour-de-force mother-of-four became disillusioned with a high-flying, globe-trotting, stilettos-and-briefcase career in marketing and advertising, she quit her job. And after a period of figuring things out, she took herself off to university.

Two years ago, she graduated from an MA in Inclusive Arts Practice with a First Class Honours and a burning aspiration to use art as a tool to bring about positive social change within the community.

Now a (legal!) street artist in her own right working under the acronym S.o.S., Sarah has also set up 'U Can Spray', a registered charity that sets out to engage and inspire young people - particularly 16-24 year-olds who aren't in education, employment or training.

'Therapeutic and inclusive art practice through positive spray-painting is a powerful communicator that breaks down barriers and builds bridges,' says Sarah. 'We are passionate about inspiring anyone who’s been told they can’t -we want them to experience how they CAN, through our collaborations, workshops and in-house programs.'

Well, I for one am inspired. If you are too and would like to know more, click this link:


A trip with paint


Wise counsel