A ticket to magic
I packed my gold binoculars, and travelled to London to watch humans do extraordinary things.
Ensconced in the red velvet grotto that is The Royal Opera House, I was at the back in the cheap seats, surrounded by people who love ballet with a breathless passion.
As we waited for the lights to go down, and the auditorium was humming with chatter, I glanced around.
I saw the brightness of excited anticipation in people's faces, their eyes sparkling. The usher stood nearby, chatting and joking with the regulars.
The atmosphere was truly magical.
Eventually, everything darkened, a hush descended, and the curtain went up. The audience, dancers, orchestra and I shared an experience that took us on a journey out of the ordinary. I loved it.
Afterwards, I met with a friend who works at the Royal Opera House, and he was able to sneak me in for a backstage tour.
I was so thrilled!
I love being backstage at theatres – everything is imbued with a special glow. For even when you're looking at a piece of scenery up close and you can see the knocks and scratches, you know that's it been on the stage, steeped in theatre-magic, helping to transport people on amazing journeys...