To thine own self be true
I've just got home from working on the opening night of Glyndebourne's new opera, Hamlet.
The mood of the show is dark, powerful and stylish, and the music is contemporary. Perhaps not easy listening, but a grab-you-by-the-throat sonic journey of twists and turns, spine-tingling deep bass caverns and goose-bump thrills.
I had the feeling that many of the singers and musicians working on this show were well out of their comfort zone. Rehearsals were challenging and unnerving.
'But it's good to get out of your comfort-zone sometimes, isn't it?' mused Lee the tuba player.
The audience seemed astounded – they stood up en-masse in their crumpled tuxedos to give a standing ovation. They made a thundering noise, stomping on the floor and whooping.
I could see a spark of magic alighting in people's eyes backstage, as the realisation began to sink in that this could be a 'special one'.
'It's so hard to tell,' said one of the singers I am working with. 'When you're on the inside of something, you've no idea how it's going to be received.'
And that's so true.
When you're creating something, you sometimes you have to go out on a limb, try something new, take risks. Be true to yourself.
This can be terrifying.
I've been inspired to take a little venture outside of my comfort zone...