Magic ingredient: glitter

Later this week, an art exhibition at my friend Alison's amazing Gothic palace will be opening.


I'm putting in two drawings, both of them beautifully framed by Keizer Frames of Lewes.

This one is called 'Clock Tower Chips' and it features the Brighton clock tower. I saw a girl who looked a bit like this a little while ago.

She was very young but also very confident. I loved the way she had slung together some slightly grubby casual clothes with a pair of glittery stilettos, and was stuffing her face with chips.

Somehow, this seems very 'Brighton'!

Also: you can never have too much glitter.

If you're in Sussex and fancy visiting the exhibition, here are some more details – let me know if you're coming and I'll see if I can meet you there!



Daylight robbery


Dark glamour