The Water Nymph's Mirror

When you're a kid – or at least when I was a kid – my friends often asked me what my favourite colour was. I probably cited pink. My nephew would choose yellow.

As an adult, I find my favourite colour can change by the day, if not hourly.

Recently, I've had blue on my mind. Particularly a watery kind of blue with different depths, and with light playing through it. Like a sort of underwater scene, but on a sunny day. Or perhaps under the reflected rays of a silvery full moon.

And so I cracked open some ink pots and put brush to board. A child-like character appeared, with a cloud of white hair that hangs suspended in the currents around her.

She's wearing some kind of vintage dress with ruffles at the shoulders, and a line of beaded buttons runs down the back.

She's holding a mirror. I have no idea what's in the mirror but my suspicion is, she's seeing some kind of truth for the first time.

A water nymph, maybe. Someone who hides among the bull-rushes and has afternoon tea with dragonflies.

And so now, the blue is out of my system. Today's favourite colour is actually three – acid green, sliced through with yellow and neon pink. But I've run out of neon pink so I may need to put these ideas on hold until I can get down to the art store...


Bubbling Blue.jpg

The Queen of Autumn


Imagination changes the world