Treasure haul

Dear friends, firstly – apologies for the absence. I'm sure you managed just fine without me but nevertheless, I did feel guilty about taking some time away from the blog. It seems I'm not the only one who felt the pull of winter's sparkling dark magic this year, and with it, the need to turn inward.

It seemed the right thing to do – to take some time to drift through the dreaming darkness, working on refilling the well of creativity. To cast an enchanted fishing net into books, magazines, films, music and nature, and see what treasure might turn in it. It felt important to take time to gather ingredients for ideas... for stories, paintings, drawings, projects.

Just in the past week or so, I've been seeing the emergence of those bold trailblazers – the snowdrops and crocuses, sending out the welcome signal that change is in the offing.

And so, as we all begin returning to the light, it's time to take a look at the haul of winter's gifts in your net...


Winter boat.jpg

Hallows' Eve


The magic of January