Hunting midwinter magic
A very optimistic tree lives outside my studio window. Every winter, at about this time of year, I'll look up one day and find that it has suddenly burst into blossom, like a shower of giggling popcorn rolling about in the gusts of wind and rain.
At the foot of the tree, snowdrops, crocus and daffodil shoots are bravely peeping out from the cold, dark, water-logged earth.
But February can catch you off-guard. Just when you think the first fresh lungfuls of spring might be creeping upon us, this last snatch of winter can throw thundering storms at us, lash us with rain and breathe biting frost across the fields.
So, yeah. It's still winter.
However, in recent years, I've come to relish the gift of introspection, the gentle nourishment of rest, and the magical dream-time that winter brings. As an artist – in fact, I'm sure for anyone – it's very important to restock the well of inspiration, and winter is the perfect time to do this.
Here are some things you could try...
Burn candles and incense
Make your favourite hot drinks, add spices
Invest in a cosy throw blanket
Meet with friends to sit around a crackling fireplace and tell stories
Watch nostalgic movies
Listen to beautiful music that uplifts you
Give yourself permission to rest
Mashed potatoes
Listen to the robins who sing at night this time of year
Hot baths with essential oils
Going for walks during the brightest time of the day
Appreciate winter sunrises on sunny days
Spend more time in your PJs
Take time with your journal to record your dreams, ideas or notions of inspiration
Practice gratitude and generosity to remind you that magic is real… and let me know how you get on.