The Wonder Dome
I recently had the immense pleasure of talking with Andy Cahill, founder of The Mindful Creative. Andy hosts a podcast called The Wonder Dome, in which he 'explores the mystery, beauty, and complexity of life through conversations with an array of incredible practitioners – all of them working at the edge of what's possible for humanity. This is a place for big dreams, bold creativity, and fierce hope.'
If you're intrigued, you can listen to our discussion here — it’s about an hour long, and I hope you’d enjoy it:
“Pearl Bates is an incredibly talented visual artist. John Cleese, of Monty Python fame, has referred to her art as some of the most original work he's ever seen. That's no understatement. It takes inspiration from all kinds of places: street style, haute couture, music, film, theatre, dance, nature. These incredible ingredients come together in Pearl's work to produce sensual, atmospheric, magically real paintings, drawings, and illustrations that evoke emotion, intensity, and aliveness.
Pearl has exhibited her artwork all over the world, from fashion illustration, to children’s works, to city murals. As you’re listening, I highly encourage you to check out Pearl’s incredible portfolio. As you hear her discuss her devotional approach to creativity, you’ll also be able to see and feel the aliveness that comes through her art. Truly special stuff.”
Thanks Andy!