The Magic of Rest
Having managed to dodge our friend Covid 19 for almost three years, I was quietly, and perhaps somewhat smugly, coming to the conclusion that maybe I was somehow magically immune.
But no... the virus finally caught up with me, and I spent most of October strung out on a journey of enforced rest and introspection.
As a natural introvert, training myself to be more 'out there' has been an interesting cocktail of experience – the main ingredients being a mixture of discomfort, reluctance… and joy.
So to be honest, I didn't relish my 'gift' of time and space, and having to cancel everything. But it turns out that revisiting a place of inner contemplation has been quite magical. I just had to let go of expectations, and relinquish the constant march of productivity that our culture prescribes. I’m grateful for the trees outside my window – I enjoyed watching their leaves turning, the sunsets glimmering through their branches, and the stars sparkling in the sky, high above their reach. I did a lot of journaling, reading, sketching, and 'big picture thinking'. I was able to scoop up an armload of inspiration, which has been shaping my work in terms of mood, colour, character, and meaning.
I’m pleased to report that I’m now well again, and I have just finished my first ever book illustration commission! The story has been written for 3–6-year-olds, so the artwork is quite different to what I normally create, and it was a lot of fun. I think the plan is to get it published before Christmas, but I’ll keep you posted. I can’t wait to share more with you.
Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with my newest piece – ‘Fallen Angel’, inspired by the fabulous London Town.
Keep believing in wonder,