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The city of Soul was lit up with joy, and the wonderful laughter of each girl and boy

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Pianos clanged and violins soared
The people hummed and then they roared!

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Then one night through a sky full of stars The sound of music drifted afar

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It snuck through a crack in an old castle door Where a witch named Mysantha woke up with a snore

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She looked out the window and saw with a fright,
the townspeople dancing, all merry and bright
Look at them all, so happy, so thrilled
What was this noise that came from the hills?


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Mysantha loved music from when she was young
But it was taken away, never played, never sung
Music was banished and always forbidden
Whenever she sang, she had to be hidden
Her parents believed it would lead her astray
That’s why they took all her music away

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She slumped back to bed, grumpy and mad.
Mysantha was jealous and angry and sad.
She wanted to dance, she wanted to play
If she couldn’t do it, then neither could they

9. She jumped on her broom - what would she find?
By the light of the moon, with dark thoughts on her mind
she swept over the skies, a thief in the night
Crazed, determined, and filled with delight

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The very next day people woke with surprise
The music of Soul was gone from their lives
Every instrument every song
Who could do such a terrible wrong?
Where had it gone? Not a peep not a sound?
They searched high and low but nothing was found.
The people were sad and felt so afraid Who had taken their music away?

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Then slowly and surely, the memories faded –
no strumming nor humming, their music, all wasted.
Days with no music faded to years.
Less joy, less love, and so many tears.

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Alone in her castle, Mysantha cackled.
She had all the music, hidden and shackled.
She thought she had won, music was gone, now life would be simple, no pieces, no songs.

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But back in the city one violin was hidden
Missed, overlooked, but still there, though forbidden
Then a girl named Faith who was fearless and true was searching for music, she remembered, she knew!
Then under a bed, came a sparkle, a sound a hidden violin, was finally found


Then under a bed, came a sparkle, a sound a hidden violin, was finally found

Wooden and shiny, with four strings

Faith started to play and it gave her wings!

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All the townspeople came out of their homes
They were tired of being quiet and alone
They stood amazed of this one violin and it’s beautiful music like there once had been


“I’m not scared!” Faith stood feeling brave
Come and join me- don’t be afraid!
“Let’s make our own music, let’s since and dance
Try it! Do it! Give it a chance”


So with bottles, cans, old boxes and pans

They danced, they played, they drummed and sang


The happy sounds floated far and away
It woke up Mysantha who flew into in a rage!


She flew to the town in broad daylight
And screamed at the top of her lungs in flight


The people of Soul stopped and stared
at this frightening woman so upset and scared
Could it be her? Was she the one?
That took all their music? That stole all their fun?
Why do you hate it they asked in return
Music is magic! You just have to learn.

“for all I have stolen, I don’t have a thing.
There’s no music inside me, I cannot sing

Mysantha, said a man with unruly hair
you can’t steal music, it’s simply everywhere

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Music is freedom, your soul’s where you make it.
If you believe in it, no one can take it.

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You made us think you had all our songs
But they were right here in our hearts all along.

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“Mysantha” said Faith, “please, let me show you
I know you can do it, although I don’t know you
Come on! Said Faith. Give it a chance.
A song, a play or even a dance.

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Mysantha at last came down from her broom.
Faith held her hand, and they gave her some room.

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No I can’t! You don’t understand.
Music must go! That is my plan!

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Then Faith played Mysantha a song on violin
It was like a voice, from deep within
the sounds swirled round, a haunting tune
Mysantha felt it and started to swoon
It took her back to when she was free
And Mysantha remembered all she could be

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Are you OK asked a young man nearby
Oh yes I am, as she laughed and cried

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All of a sudden, the witch was singing!
It made her so happy she thought she was dreaming.

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So Mysantha broke her invisible chains,
and everyone round her did the same

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So they drummed on their drums and they sang all their songs
As music was found, where it was all along.