The enchanted rose
A twinkling, swirling piece of piano music has been dancing through my head for the past few days.
But maddeningly, just a tiny section of it. No matter how much I scoured my brain trying to figure out where it came from, I couldn't find the answer.
And then, quite literally in the middle of the night, it hit me – Disney's Beauty and The Beast.
A quick whizz on YouTube confirmed that my subconscious had done its research – the music comes from the 1995 animated film's prologue. I'll paste a link at the bottom of this post.
Regardless of what your thoughts on Disney might be, don't you think these are quite gorgeous illustrations? And a cracking fairytale, too.
This painting is called 'Queen of Roses'. I painted it quite a few years ago - but maybe she's the one who gave the prince his enchanted rose?