Pearl Bates Pearl Bates

Allure of the dark side

'I just couldn't find my way with him.'

I don't remember exactly how the interview went, but I remember one of my favourite artists, cartoonist Gerald Scarfe, talking about how he struggled with the character of Hercules when he worked on the Disney cartoon.

'The bad guys are often much more fun, more interesting.'

I'm sure Scarfe has a lot of fun ripping politicians apart with his pens – and likewise for me, there can be something intriguing, dangerous and exciting to draw the 'bad guys.'

Maybe in a way they are more relatable? Flawed and fallible, they have given into their weaknesses.

Maybe we can have a little fun with the bad guys along the way, just so long as the 'good guys' always win in the end, eh? ;)


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Pearl Bates Pearl Bates

The enchanted rose

A twinkling, swirling piece of piano music has been dancing through my head for the past few days.

But maddeningly, just a tiny section of it. No matter how much I scoured my brain trying to figure out where it came from, I couldn't find the answer.

And then, quite literally in the middle of the night, it hit me – Disney's Beauty and The Beast.

A quick whizz on YouTube confirmed that my subconscious had done its research – the music comes from the 1995 animated film's prologue. I'll paste a link at the bottom of this post.

Regardless of what your thoughts on Disney might be, don't you think these are quite gorgeous illustrations? And a cracking fairytale, too.

This painting is called 'Queen of Roses'. I painted it quite a few years ago - but maybe she's the one who gave the prince his enchanted rose?



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