The red shoes

'Life is short. Buy the damn shoes.'

I've seen this little quip bouncing around on the internet a number of times, and it's always made me smile, because I don't need any encouragement to buy shoes.

I bought these red boots yesterday – one of the singers I am working with was selling them. And – oh dear! They fit perfectly.

Now this may be stretching things in order to justify my shoe habit – but I do think it's important to keep in touch with things that bring you joy.

If you are an artist, and if you haven't already, I implore you to check out Julia Cameron's wonderful book, The Artist's Way. It has loads of beautiful ideas in it about how to take care of yourself and your creativity, and one of these ideas is to take yourself on regular 'artist dates'. It's important that you go by yourself, and just allow yourself to indulge in anything that pleases your heart. It doesn't have to be expensive – treat yourself to sparkly stickers. A ride on a merry-go-round. A walk in an inspiring place.

Or, um, red boots.



Friday feeling

