Extraordinary creatures

I've been asked to judge a kids' art competition. The children will have been asked to draw or make the 'most extraordinary creature they can imagine'.

The competition is going to be a part of the Brighton Festival, and the organisers got in touch with me to ask for a little blurb.

As I was composing it, I thought to myself, adults should give themselves the opportunity to have a go at this kind of thing, too.

So, while I don't have any prizes to give out for grownups (this time!) here's what I wrote:

I can't wait to see the entries for our Extraordinary Creatures competition. I'm sure they will all be amazing. In particular though, I will be looking out for an artist who has really put their imagination to the test, and has managed to create something that I might never have seen before!

Inspiration can come from animals or plants that already exist – perhaps you could try combining them and see what happens? Or maybe you have seen a creature in your dreams that you would like to describe with a painting, drawing or sculpture.

What kind of personality will your creation have? Will it be friendly, silly or scary? Does it make a roaring sound? Or maybe it likes to sing songs? Think carefully about what colours you will choose, and whether you would like to work with paint, pencils, crayons, felt-tipped pens – or even pieces of string, wire, fabric or flowers. This is a chance to really let your creativity go wild.

Have fun!


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