Pearl Bates Pearl Bates

Stitching magic

Ethereal, delicate, raw, exquisite, dream-like, gossamer...

...some of the words that come to mind when I think of the internationally renowned fashion designer Abe Hamilton's work.

Last weekend, I was thrilled to spend a bit of time with Abe himself, who happens to be a friend of a friend.

He brought along a chic black portfolio, stuffed to the gills with photographs, press clippings and magazine shoots for me to have a look through.

'It all started with some pressed daisies that I had collected in Spain,' said Abe, 'and the inspiration just flowed from there.'

It was a such a beautiful treat to wade through the portfolio and immerse myself in this gorgeous world of magical elegance.

And it seems that fashion isn't Abe's only passion – as you can see from the amazing cake that he baked for us!


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