Electric magic
'You need to build an ability to just be yourself and not be doing something,'
'That's what the phones are taking away,' said American comedian Louis CK. 'The ability to just sit there. That's being a person.'
I hear of a lot of disparaging moaning about how people these days are glued to their phones, but I see it from both sides. There's a lot of magic tied up in these little boxes of metal and plastic. From my bed, for example, I can have a conversation with someone who is standing on a subway platform in NYC.
This just blows my tiny mind. We are living in a real-life Blade Runner.
However - the internet is still down in my house, and I'm amazed at how 'out of touch' I feel – and this sense of anxiety about not being able to leap into this vast pool of distraction whenever I want has been a little disconcerting.
After all – I use this invisible magic sauce to stay connected to you, don't I? So it has to be a good thing.
But I'm being forced to find more interesting things to do with my downtime than noodle around on YouTube. And it's in these moments of just 'being a person' that some interesting ideas for stories and pictures have come to me.
I've had the headspace to hear them knocking on my door. So maybe this internet hiatus hasn't been so terrible...
However. I'd be lying if I didn't say I can't wait to get connected again :)
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