Pearl Bates Pearl Bates

The Pirate Queen Mural

The Pirate Queen mural has finally moved out of my studio, and is now on the wall in Meeting House Lane, Brighton - at the end where it joins with North Street. I would really love for the paintings to bring smiles to the people of Brighton, and to the city's visitors.

The nine paintings of the mural show the story of The Pirate Queen - a Brighton resident - as she prepares for a date with the Pirate Prince.

The city of Brighton and Hove is a magical place - much loved by all who live there. It's a place that champions the 'Fabulous Others' - the different ones - the misfits, the eccentrics, the artists and the poets. It's a place where outsiders have been able to find a home, and as such, it holds a special place in my heart. In keeping with the city's colourful, enchanting vibe, the style of the Pirate Queen mural paintings have been inspired by fairytale romance.

If you'd like a piece of Pirate Queen magic for yourself, prints of the mural paintings are now available in the shop.

I would like to extend mammoth thanks to Soozie Campbell, chair of the Brighton & Hove Tourism Alliance, for her creative vision and tireless championing of this project throughout all of our trials and tribulations, and also to Trixie Harmer, for her wonderful, supportive energy and inspiring project management. Well done ladies - we did it

Big thanks also go to  the sponsors who enabled this project to happen; Donatello, Centurion, Tegen Accessories, Choccywoccydoodah, The Grand Hotel, Pretty Eccentric, Paul Goble Jewellers, Hotel du Vin, Brighton & Hove Food Festival, Brighton & Hove Bus & Coach Company, Brighton & Hove Tourism Alliance, Moshimo, Frames in the Lanes, First Light, Sweet William Fudge Shop, Angel Food Bakery and Ring Jewellers. 

I shall leave you with some pictures from the little launch party we had, which was attended by Brighton & Hove's new Mayor, Councillor Lynda Hyde, and was held at Tegen Accessories in Meeting House Lane...

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