Pearl Bates Pearl Bates

Follow the butterflies

'It's the butterflies that lead to the magic.'

 I had dinner with my brother the other night. He works in advertising. Perhaps not the first industry that comes to mind when you're thinking about magic.

But he told me about an advertising company that have a practice of gathering the creatives into a dark room that has a gas fire in the middle – literally replicating the sense of sitting around a fire at night.

Then, they start to tell each other stories.

Slowly, ideas for their projects begin to build, and when they start to feel the 'butterflies', they know they have found the magic.

This all might sound a bit crazy but...

'There's no point trying to create anything in life without the butterflies,' said my brother, 'because it takes magic to really make things happen.'

I think he is absolutely right.




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