Your playful heart
Jim Carrey came up in conversation today.
Zany, goofy, keerrrayyzeee.... and spiritual?
He is, in my opinion, an artist who has struck gold when it comes to discovering the magic of wisdom.
Here's five minutes of Jim Carrey-style inspiration for you:

The windscreen wipers battled against the July rain as we wound our way down a narrow country lane. We were following the tail-lights of a friend’s yellow truck, which was leading us to a mystery destination…
I’m not really a festivals person – I’m more than happy to leave the whole port-a-loos thing to hardier souls than I. But due to the happy circumstance of a neighbour gifting me with a spare ticket, I found myself at the Love Supreme festival, in a hot field full of colourful tents, street food vans, and sun-burnt people in sandals. But it wasn’t until July’s ‘Buck Moon’, a massive, shining orb, rose up into the drifting clouds, that it seemed a magical spell was cast over the darkening countryside.
The nights may be dark and cold, and rain and sleet may be flinging itself at the windows while an icy wind snatches at your hat - but, at this time, we are granted brief permission to believe in magic.
And I love how much people love this.
I had to admire the wasp for his fierce tenacity. I know a lot of us are battling with challenges at the moment. But, maybe you can keep this wasp in mind, and know that everything will be alright in the end.
It turns out that having to revisit a place of inner contemplation has been quite magical…
It was Professor John Allen Paulos who famously said in 1945, 'Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.'
I've been revelling in pink this year.
I couldn't really tell you why, but somehow, from the blush tones of a strawberry milkshake to the fiery fuchsia of sunset skies, pink has been stealing my heart.
I recently had the immense pleasure of talking with Andy Cahill, founder of The Mindful Creative. Andy hosts a podcast called The Wonder Dome, in which he 'explores the mystery, beauty, and complexity of life…’
Trees are beautiful, magical, giants. Whatever the season, they are a wonderful source of inspiration and solace. As Shakespeare wrote, ‘one touch of nature makes the whole world kin.’
Happy new year, one and all. If you are reading this, then you have successfully made it into 2021 (high five, high five) - congratulations!