The Portal
Did you pack your baggage yourself?
Has anyone asked you to carry anything for them? Have you left your bags unattended at any time?
Here is the ticket to your dreams...
Just step right through the portal, and travel to wherever you wish...
Surprising deceptions
Yesterday I wrote about the moon and her friend, the little star.
I'd like to say, many thanks to Juliane and Tony, who both wrote to tell me that that little star was, in fact, Jupiter – the largest planet in our solar system!
With Tony's permission, I'm going to share with you what he wrote, because I think his observation is so poignant and true:
I walked home thinking of the beautiful large bright moon and the apparently tiny, dim Jupiter behind it as a good metaphor for how some things are in life, and with particularly people. People are not always as we first perceive them. Bubbly, shiny people may have their own private things that they are wrestling with, despite their glow. Maybe seemingly small, quiet, unassuming specks of light as people, might actually turn out to be massively powerful people that pull you with a gravity that you never imagined?
'Moon Spell', commissioned by Rob. If you'd like to enquire about commissioning a painting for yourself, hit the button below and let me know what your thoughts are!
Riding silver clouds
There was such a beautiful moon last night.
My phone did its best to take a photograph for you, struggling on maximum zoom.
And then I noticed the moon's companion – a little star. Can you see it in the photo?
It made me feel happy to see them both, riding across the magical silver clouds together.
It reminded me of how important it is to have the right people in your life with you – people who will support you and your crazy ideas about being a creator of some kind. I'm often amazed by how many people were apparently never given 'permission' to follow their creative dreams. I really hope that doesn't include you – but if it does, rest assured – there are plenty of stars out there would gladly ride the clouds with you.
Mining for magic
'So, how do you begin a painting?'
Weirdly, I've never been asked this question before until recently – and I found I was at a bit of a loss as to how to answer.
So I've been thinking about it.
And I've decided that part of the answer comes from not believing in the 'real world'.
You know what I mean by the 'real world' – bills, laundry, the news, stress – grown-up stuff, basically. Because at times, it can threaten to take over.
You have to remember it's all just a construct, and throw it off. At least for a little while, anyway. And I can tell you - sometimes this is easier said than done!
I find that I have to clear this clamouring 'noise' before I can hear the magic.
I think that's a good starting point.
Twinkling lights
What makes looking out over a shimmering city at night so magical?
The view from Mulholland Drive, the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, the Shard... all of them are legendary.
Sure, the twinkling lights are beautiful. But, it seems to me that maybe there's more to it.
Perhaps it has something to do with the feeling that you have momentarily stepped out of your life, and you're pausing to observe from the outside as the world carries on, oblivious that you are watching.
This link will take you a three minute video from the New York City ballet – two dancers perform New Beginnings on the rooftop of 4 World Trade Centre.
Art shop sale - 25% off and free shipping:
Do you believe in angels?
I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with the religious connotations that angels bring with them – but there is certainly something intriguing about the idea of some kind of spiritual entity watching over you.
Once at a dinner party, a woman leaned across to me and asked if I had any particularly strong ties with a young man with dark hair – I said I couldn't think of one.
She said she could see a young spirit man standing right behind my chair. I turned around, but there was apparently no one there.
Then again, maybe there had been something in the woman's vichyssoise.
I like the idea of angels not looking how you'd expect – not necessarily serene and lit with an ethereal glow.
After all, they do say, that angels walk among us.
I'm currently listening to audiobook about David Bowie.
In it, the author ponders on what Bowie did to merit such an outpouring of grief when he died.
'David Bowie... represented a different world... a world that was about freedom of expression, creativity, individualism and rebellion.'
Karin Sieger
A while ago, I read Keith Richards' autobiography. I remember him saying something along the lines of, 'I know that I'm playing a character – and I do it so that all the frustrated accountants can live vicariously through me.'
Iconic rock heroes, actors, artists... perhaps they are more than just entertainers. Maybe they have been gifted with magical keys that people can use to unlock themselves with...
Urban magic
I thought I could hear the city's heartbeat.
There often seems to be a notion that you have to be in nature before you can have 'magical' experiences.
I would say that maybe it's easier to find yourself awed by a beautiful vista, stunning flowers or a forest full of amazing trees.
I think it's even been scientifically proven that spending time in nature is good for your mind, body and soul.
But that's not to say that magic can't exist in an urban environment, too.
Not long ago, I was walking along Oxford Street in London. The sun was low in the sky and when I looked up, I saw that the buildings around me were literally gleaming with gold. The traffic was roaring, and throngs of faces – each one telling a different life story – poured past me. Lights and noise were pulsing. I could feel the ground vibrating under my feet. The air was thick with sooty dust... and magic.
Life as art
'So I said to him, you can live your life as if it were an expression of art.'
My friend Arthur's eyes twinkled over his rhubarb crumble.
'And he just stood there, and then he said – I've never thought of that.'
'But it's so true,' I said.
'Exactly – and in that way, everyone can be an artist. And in fact, the world right now needs people to be artists.'
Carpe diem, my friends.
Sirens of the sea
Last night, I had an unintentionally mermaid-themed evening.
I found myself at a little party on a boat. 'Mermaids' by Nick Cave was on the stereo.
I met a man with amazing mermaid tattoos on both of his arms.
I also met a dancer who takes her inspiration from mermaids. I introduced myself, and she remembered the Mermaid Mural I painted on the side of a building in Brighton, Southern England.
Clearly, there is something very alluring and mysterious about mermaids!
The mural, which was sponsored by Southern Water, was there for four years before it got painted over.
But while she was up, she seemed well-received by the people of Brighton.
Here I am with the then-bosses of Southern Water, but you can see in-progress pics at this link:
First love
Who did you first fall in love with?
For me it was a cartoon character called Mark – I rediscovered him today while doing some research.
How fitting to have fallen in love with a drawing!!
Butterfly wings
'Always be the first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of somebody else.'
Judy Garland
'This singer I'm working with at the moment,' said a friend of mine, 'she's had so much training that she can sound exactly like any other singer out there. But she hasn't yet found her own unique sound.'
'Huh,' I said.
'So I asked her, why are you a singer? And she said, because I love music. And I said, well, that's not enough. You need to know your why.'
It's the same with any kind of art – any kind of life. You need to know your why.
Then you can find your unique butterfly wings.
Urban Fairy
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
No! It's my new drawing, Urban Fairy.
There she goes, soaring into the skies with her feather duster magic wand.
There's something about swooping over rooftops that gives me that lucid dream feeling, where you have the illusion of controlling your own destiny.
Oh wait – is that real life?
Like this piece?
Click here for prints
Click here for the original piece
A new dimension of time
Yay - the clock on the cooker will finally be telling the right time again!
I found this drawing recently. I drew it a few years ago, but my feelings about daylight savings haven't changed – I'm sure most night owls are not fans!
However, I am genuinely so excited about longer evenings...
It's such a magical feeling to walk through a late spring evening, when there is still colour in the sky above you, and only the first few stars beginning to peek out.
While I do enjoy the sense of 'deep wisdom' that winter brings, I am relishing the fresh innocence of spring...
Behind the mask
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
William Shakespeare
I've been thinking about the masks that we wear every day. Apparently we all have about eight different 'personalities', and the company we are with, dictates which one we will choose to inhabit.
So, who is the 'real' you? Maybe there isn't one. Perhaps you've just spun a character (or several) around the energy that is the essence of you.
There's a lot of talk around 'authenticity' these days. To 'be real'. But personally, I like the way none of us are fixed. We are fluid creatures, living an adventure of dreams (with thanks to Alan Watts for that lovely turn of phrase).
It's precisely this 'slippery-ness' of character that I like to explore in my work. To ponder, visually, about who we choose to inhabit as we slip between characters and personalities.
Sorry, Mr. Shakespeare, but I don't think there's anything 'merely' about it!
Sneaky peek
I was working on this drawing last night.
It's still in its underwear and not yet finished, but I'll share it with you anyway. It's preliminarily called Urban Fairy.
I saw a beautiful sunset yesterday evening, and that's what may have inspired the colours.
This is an undercoat of watercolour and acrylic paint. Once it's dried out, I'll work into it with coloured pencil.
I'll show you the drawing again when it's finished.
The other reality
'I could see in between the spaces of time.'
It was a freezing cold summer's night in England, and I was at an after-opera party, standing in a star-lit back garden.
Clutching a strawberry flavoured beer (not particularly recommended), I listened as an American opera singer regaled us with some of his drugs experiences.
'It was as if reality was printed on film, you know? And I could see between the frames and into another reality that was, like, beyond.'
I sometimes feel that it's our construct of time and 'reality' that is the non-truth here – a false wall to keep us from seeing that other reality that is beyond.
I believe that part of the artist's job is to reach out to that other reality, and pull it forward through the 'spaces of time', to remind us of what is really real.
And, as The Troggs singer Reg Presley once said, 'I wrote that on a cup of tea, mate.'
Petrol blue
I am going to be doing some artwork for a theatre company.
Collaboration can be a tricky thing, especially if you're used to working on your own and doing what you like.
But when you find the right people to work with, it can be so exciting.
We had a meeting today, and spent the afternoon bouncing ideas back and forth, following trails of thought and sparking off concepts, interpretations and imagery.
The project in question is still in its very embryonic stages and is top secret – but I will share with you my favourite 'take home' from the meeting: petrol blue.
A ticket to magic
I packed my gold binoculars, and travelled to London to watch humans do extraordinary things.
Ensconced in the red velvet grotto that is The Royal Opera House, I was at the back in the cheap seats, surrounded by people who love ballet with a breathless passion.
As we waited for the lights to go down, and the auditorium was humming with chatter, I glanced around.
I saw the brightness of excited anticipation in people's faces, their eyes sparkling. The usher stood nearby, chatting and joking with the regulars.
The atmosphere was truly magical.
Eventually, everything darkened, a hush descended, and the curtain went up. The audience, dancers, orchestra and I shared an experience that took us on a journey out of the ordinary. I loved it.
Afterwards, I met with a friend who works at the Royal Opera House, and he was able to sneak me in for a backstage tour.
I was so thrilled!
I love being backstage at theatres – everything is imbued with a special glow. For even when you're looking at a piece of scenery up close and you can see the knocks and scratches, you know that's it been on the stage, steeped in theatre-magic, helping to transport people on amazing journeys...
Snow White's woods
Fortunately, I didn't have to run from an evil stepmother.
But a few days ago, spring sprang, and I found myself in the woods with a friend.
The scenery was stunning – it's easy to imagine how a landscape like this could inspire stories of runaway princesses, monstrous queens, secret dwarves' houses and mysterious princes.
If my imagination could count as a white horse, then I can certainly say that I got carried away on one ;)